вот это вообще атас тут все отличились.
Alex: We played it only once live. George never got the vocals down. Believe it or not, out of everybody in the band (laughs), we busted our asses off, and then he was like ‘Ah man, I’m having trouble with the vocal lines’, so we just never ended up doing it live. And one night, when we toured with Kataklysm, Napalm Death, Goatwhore, and…who else was there…Macabre? Anyways, it was 2004, and in Pittsburgh George had some kind of lung infection. He had to go to the hospital and everything. So we played the show anyways without a singer, and were like ‘why don’t we play it tonight since George won’t do it? This is our only chance.’ So that was the only time we played it live. It went pretty well, but my forearms were definitely Popeyed out by the end. It’s a lot of work. There are a lot of hard chops in that one.