Ник Миллер: "i remember going through Sylvains lyrics, helping him with the english sentence structure. Just to make his views have more clarity. He would explain his philosophy and ideas. It was a wonderful thing to witness and listen to. He had to dial back some of the lyrics, otherwise he wouldn't have taken a break vocally. I would also read his Quebecois phonetically in english just for laughs. I stayed with him and his girlfriend on one of my visits. They were very hospitable. To bad that drove him into some depression. Hope he finds some players some day. Killer vocal style, especially the inhale and release roar! Our Temple of Knowledge cd is highlighted with the live recording Northern Hyperblast. I believe that is how fast it should have been recorded in the studio...but my time to learn the music and compose was very short.... but it stood the test of time i suppose. It's all from another lifetime at this point. But I remember it well."