Томас из Абигора в общем-то например нормально сказал тоже:
"the great thing with LoC is that it pisses off the elitists!"
I have read this sentence a few times in my fb newsfeed. what it actually means:
"buuuhuu huuuh I tried hard but didn't manage, I don´t belong to them."
and, pissed off by LoC? why? no one is. smashing an outright shitty film doesn´t have any other emotional impact to us than the satisfaction of knowing bettter. now lech over that!
Black Death Metal is elitism. being true to the tradition. Dead, Euronymous, Count Grishnackh were, the vanguard of BM´s renewal was, too - DSO, Katharsis, Ofermod, or the Finns. every man and woman who knows what this is all about is. most importantly, the radical avantgarde hails the true tradition, too. everyone who ever pushed this, our arform, any further (or was enforcing its intensity) rooted in elitism and the understanding of an approach which the hip Vice BM generation tries to ridicule as "trueness police and their rules". but we ARE true, in our quest, in our motivaion and our intention. and we are exactly at the point again, like back in 1992. when the streamlined Metal mainstream belittled and ridiculed a small elite who were dead serious about it all and openly stated how shitty the lighthearted, boring, copycat-y, mainstream-assimilated and stale hurt-no-one scene had become. we are at that point again. and WE ARE THE ELITE! YOU ARE FUCKED! ALL HAIL ELITISM!